U.S. Representative Phil English (R-PA) Today Announced his Bid to Run for Reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives by Kicking Off a tour of the Entire Western Pennsylvania's Third Congressional District

Press Release

Date: April 14, 2008
Location: Erie, PA

U.S. Representative Phil English (R-PA) today announced his bid to run for reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives by kicking off a tour of the entire Western Pennsylvania's third congressional district, which consists of all of Erie County and pa

As part of his effort to increase accountability and transparency in Washington, U.S. Rep. Phil English (R-Pa.) today released his 2007 tax returns to local media outlets and demanded all candidates for the 3rd Congressional District do the same.

"At a time when public institutions, like Congress, enjoy almost record low levels of support, it is important that each candidate conduct themselves in a manner that encourages public trust," English said. "Since several candidates in this congressional primary have made claims regarding their experienced backgrounds and have provided much of the funding for their campaigns from personal sources, it should be a given that every candidate for Congress, Republican, Democrat, Independent, incumbent or challenger, should willingly and proactively release their tax returns."

English noted that the Democratic Presidential candidates are only the latest in an already long list of candidates to release their personal tax returns. Since his election to Congress in 1994, English has made his annual tax return available for review by the public.

"People have a right to know how their prospective elected representatives make a living," English continued. "They have a right to know what taxes their representatives pay and, even more, what tax breaks they take. That way, voters can decide for themselves whether they can relate to the people they are voting for."

English has tied the release of his tax returns to his longstanding policy against congressional pay raises. Since taking office English has opposed every congressional pay raise and has returned approximately $30,000 to more than 50 local charities, without writing-off the donations on his tax return.
